My day bright and early at 5:30 as I headed to the cafe to work with the team creating lunch for the 30 something staff members and guests. Today's entree would be chili which consisted of diced celery, tomatoes, bell peppers, lots of spices, and a creamy sauce of sun dried tomatoes and avocados. This light veggie chili would;d be served over zucchini+pumpkin seeds and topped with walnut sour cream. What a delight.
The moment I was finished up in the cafe, myself and new Tree of Life member Laura headed to Tuscon for 90 minutes of Bikram Yoga. It was perfect. The heat opened pours and allowed my body to open up a bit and get in a nice meditative practice. Once finished and showered we hung out on 4th ave, sipped on hemp/cacao herbal chai tea and made our way to the show.
I realize it is important to listen to my body. I know for myself as well as others, it is easy to get wrapped up in the whole food thing, especially in the raw food movement. Everybody has their way to live and eat. The pushers feel that it's their way or the highway. It is said that "One man's medicine is another man's poison." I find this to be very true. Phase 1 is not for me, but can be very healing for others. I know that if I kept up with it for a few weeks, I would mostly likely find healing and more of a balance to my life. But I choose to stay very active, and a diet low in fruit/carbs does not contribute to that. I feel slow and lethargic every time I eat more than a little bit of fat. I guess for me the big picture is all in moderation. In life, when you overdo anything, you generally pay the price in the end.
Pictures to come!!!
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