Afterwards we headed to my place to enjoy some fresh tomato pizza, New Haven Style!! New Haven, CT is home to some of the best pizza in the country. Although I am a vegan and no longer do dairy or fish, I still the smells of Pepe's white clam pizza, or the classic tomato and basil. I prepared a crust of sprouted mung beans, lentils and fenugreek. Once dehydrated, we topped it with a basil-hemp pesto, home made marinara, and lightly dehydrated Roma tomatoes. Raw food heaven!!
I am really looking forward to this weekends race and happy to have Laura coming out to help. It is really encouraging to have a crew or some type of support during a race. It is always energizing to hear somebody cal out your name as you run by. She is also a personal trainer so the stretching afterwards will be a bonus!!
That pizza looks amazing....!
So you jump on Michael & Santi's trampoline and not ours...
I see how it is...
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