Every day, before I leave the house I take a peak at my VT 100 welcoming letter. Mr. Bimble's motto clearly states "Constant Forward Momentum"
Above is the montra which came to Gabriel during a 21 day water fast. As one of the 72 names of God, it translates to
Yod Hay Way Hay, which means "That which was,is, and always will be. This montra is used here at the TOL as a toll to go further into meditation. Often times while running, when I get into my groove, I will begin to say this montra while breathing.
I am not one who is comfortable sitting for long periods of time to meditate, but I do find that running is an excellent way to go inward and relax the mind.
I like little reminders, to help keep my goals in check. So every day before I leave the house I take a look and remember what lies ahead. This is kind of like Rocky 4 when Rocky has the picture of Drago on his mirror. Well maybe not somuch like that but you get what I'm sayin!
Be the Breeze!!
Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu
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