With the Pemberton 50k just under 2 weeks away, I have peaked out on training and will prepare to taper over the next week. Tapering will allow my body to recover from any bumps and bruises I may have attained over the last month or so. I am feeling really confident for the race and hoping to improve on my last 50k time which was 5:03. As I always hope to improve my times, I really want to try and use this race for training purposes and go out on the trail to simply run 32 miles. With that being said, when the race number gets pinned onto my shorts, it is hard for me to not try and compete and do the best job I can.
Over the last 3 weeks I have been driving up to Tuscon with a few other members of the TOL community to take Bikram yoga classes. Bikram is a rather intense yoga practice that consists of doing 26 postures twice in a room heated up to 110 degrees. In less than 3 weeks, about 6 classes, I have completely lost all pains in my knee. I find the postures to not only build body strength, but to also better Aline my posture. If you haven't tried a class, give it a shot, it is well worth it!!

After 1 year and many many miles of wearing the same trail shoes, I finally decided to step it up and go with a new shoe. I was previously wearing the INOV 8 FlyRocs but just purchased the INOV 8 Roclite 315. See picture above. This style, is better suited for the dirt roads, and trails I will be running on during the VT100. My feet feel so happy and comfy!

Today I am learning to follow my heart. I have lots of opportunities coming in to my life and I have to be sure to do what is right for me. I have been in my head all day. Processing thoughts and ideas and wondering what to do next. Sometimes these mind games can be a pain in the ass but it is helpful to embrace whatever comes up and let my heart lead the way.
London awaits Franky G :) x
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